Ahhh tomorrow is the finale for our great little team of champs. I really love Jinty's blog about us. Even though we might not have that killer mind set, we make up for it in determination and positivity. Yeah Go Team Go! Muppets feel our rath tomorrow.

What makes us such a unique team is that we are a super-multisport team who can rise to any sporting challenge. Sure we will start off crap but we eventually get it together and work out some sort of strategic plan, just like the old 1-2 aye coach Marshall! That's what I'm talking about , 'It's Technique'.
Oi Walls. I've never seen a more un-trained group of meathats in once place at one time. I think if you were to take on the power that is the "Pot o Goldies Frisbee Golf Invitational IV" you would be destroyed! Well everyone except your pirate friend, he looks like he could hold his own.
PS we need to catch up soon.
i think we look well cool if a bit pale...its the exposure i tell you!!go team!!!!
Oh johnno, to true, I was telling my team about how we spent $27,000 of our loan on three years of frisbee golf and boat races down Oakley creek. What a great time that was. I had forgotten about the Pot' O Goldies' frisbee challenge.
Actually I think my team would be really good, sure we would have to spend 3 weeks on teaching frisbee technique and how to find your perfect frisbee that represents your style eg Ross's 10 litre paint lid. But we would give your team a run for their money.
Do you have a lawn bowls team up and running yet???? Checked out your my space site, What more can i say, your a ladies man with the moves to prove it!!!
Well since I never got an invite to soccer, I think I am going to start my own Ultimate frisbee pickup right next to your game on Wednesday nights. At least there's no contact in Ultimate, so I'll save my knees...how are yours doing Pip-O-Roony?
Ahhhh me knees are black from a dirty ankle tap i pulled on the fiesty chillian girl, hit the dirt onto my face and knees, serves me right for playing the slys. Jinty clipped her earing out last week though.
Hey I will be very jealous if you have a frisbee team nextdoor and wont be able to concentrate on soccer. please come and play in our team, we need chicks, good chicks. your in!
The truth is I can't handle you having a frisbee team
without me!!!
HOLY CRAP.... I sooooo forgot about boat races down Oakly creek... hahahah freakin classic! We actually went to Grey Lynn park today and threw a frisbee around! I was thinking about my first frisbee Brittany... Oh how I miss her. And yes Ross' fribee Frisbee Joe was a sight to behold. Hmmm well im heading out to a party now, nothing too major, last night went to dirty sponge bar, and before you ask... yes I brought sexy back!
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