Stuck in the Junk

Now Trade Me for example is hilarious. There are so many strategies and theories on how to sell your items. For example:
A) Don’t place too much value on the item
B) Pretend you have no idea what its worth
C) State that you urgently need to get rid of it.
D) Start with a ridiculously low reserve like $1.
These tactics make the bidder think they have found a bargain; they will meticulously watch that item and then bid to hell on it in the final few minutes. The only reason I can think of is that your trash is always someone’s treasure.
Never doubt that there is someone lying at home awake, wondering how to get their hands on that item.
I have been known to drive all the way to Hamilton just to drool over the possibility of purchasing a mint green Hamilton Beach 3 prong milkshake maker. Final bidding on it was $1400. Lucky them.
Anyhooo I haven’t finished with ‘Dig a Deal’, there’s more to come.

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