Monday, August 28, 2006

Stuck in the Junk

I just can't leave it alone. Why am I totally obsessed with finding old stuff? It's not really the object; it’s the thrill of finding it, searching for that nostalgic memory.

For example my retro mint green obsession. I saw the most perfect mint green Morris Miner today, I almost cried. I think its something to do with the wanting to live in that time. The present icononic infulences just ain't cutting the mustard for me.

Here is my latest obsession, this fantastic shop 'Dig a deal'. I had a fossick around in there the other day and went back this week to shoot it. Some real gems in there. This could work into my film pitch idea about a crazy kleptomaniac man and his obsession with other people’s junk. No it’s not my alter ego, although I do wonder at times. I just can’t get the junk idea out of my mind. It’s fascinating to see what people think is valuable and what’s viewed as trash.

Now Trade Me for example is hilarious. There are so many strategies and theories on how to sell your items. For example:

A) Don’t place too much value on the item
B) Pretend you have no idea what its worth
C) State that you urgently need to get rid of it.
D) Start with a ridiculously low reserve like $1.

These tactics make the bidder think they have found a bargain; they will meticulously watch that item and then bid to hell on it in the final few minutes. The only reason I can think of is that your trash is always someone’s treasure.
Never doubt that there is someone lying at home awake, wondering how to get their hands on that item.
I have been known to drive all the way to Hamilton just to drool over the possibility of purchasing a mint green Hamilton Beach 3 prong milkshake maker. Final bidding on it was $1400. Lucky them.

Anyhooo I haven’t finished with ‘Dig a Deal’, there’s more to come.


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